Причины неудач оперативного лечения женщин с недержанием мочи
В. В. Данилов, И. Ю. Вольных, В. В. Данилов
Аnalysis of literature sources devoted to synthetic sling operations shows that it is not possible to achieve 100% of the result. In addition, the catamnestic effectiveness of surgical correction has been steadily decreasing over the years and after a few years is estimated at about 70%, regardless of the type of intervention, the method of implantation and the properties of the synthetic material used for loop plastic surgery. At the same time, there are a number of works whose results contradict the generally accepted mechanistic point of view about the effects resulting from the implantation of the tape. At the same time, consideration of the problem from the standpoint of the neurophysiological model of the neuroregulatory theory eliminates contradictions and makes it possible to explain the restoration of urine retention after surgery due to the activation of the urethro-sphincter protective reflex. The same approach provides a logical explanation for failures when performing a synthetic sling operation..
Ключевые слова
острый панкреатит, индексы интоксикации, прогнозирование, нейросетевое моделирование, предикторы летальности
Для цитирования:
В. В. Данилов, И. Ю. Вольных, В. В. Данилов
Причины неудач оперативного лечения женщин с недержанием мочи
Хирургическая практика 2021;(4):33-38